Thursday, February 4, 2010

meetings at U-Mass

from Natalia Tylim:

UMass, Budget Cuts and How We Can Fight Them!
Wednesday February 17th
Room TBA

While Obama announced last week that there will be a complete spending freeze on all discretionary spending (of course this does not apply to the military!) education is on the chopping block. These cuts have not been met without a fight, students, labor and community member are organizing across the country to start putting our agenda on the table, an agenda that puts education before occupations and bailouts. California has been at the forefront of this movement, and has called for a NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION TO DEFEND PUBLIC EDUCATION K-UNIVERSITY on March 4th. Come participate in a discussion about the state of the budget cuts in MA, what they mean for UMass students, and how we can follow in the footsteps of the California school system that has already been able to interrupt business as usual.

Join us for our next planning meeting!
Tuesday, February 9th
Campus Center Room 174-76

Email Natalia at for more information

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